Netscape Navigator allows you to access every type of file on the Internet. When the browser encounters a sound, image, or video file, it hands off the data to other programs, called helper applications, to run or display the file. Most of these helper apps are shareware or freeware that can be found at various archive sites around the world; you can configure them in the Helper Applications dialog box found under Preferences in the Options menu.


You'll have to find an archive site that serves up applications for your platform: Macintosh, Windows, or Unix. There are also several sites that have software for a variety of platforms.

Once you've downloaded the helper applications, you'll need to configure them. We've put together a short helper document showing examples of setting up helper apps on all platforms, as well as a definitive list of media types and their various file formats.

Full-fledged or wannabe geeks will want to get their hands on some MIME documentation and a primer on advanced graphics capabilities.

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